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A Histogram-Free Multicanonical Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Basis Expansion of Density of States
Histogram-free multicanonical Monte Carlo Sampling method for statistical physics of systems
Recent advances in accelerated Monte Carlo algorithms - Ying-Wai Li
BLENDER Algorithm a Wang and Landau algorithm variant solving the 32x32 Ising Model
Probabilistic sampling for physics : Population Monte Carlo as a meta-algorithm, Martin Weigel
Tutorial 1 - Replica-Exchange Wang-Landau Sampling - Lecture 1 - David Landau
What does multicanonical mean?
Tutorial 1 - Replica-Exchange Wang-Landau Sampling (Lecture 2) - Ying-Wai Li
Thermodynamics of RNA structures by Wang-Landau sampling - Peter G Clote - ISMB 2010
Lecture 55: Multiple histogram method; umbrella sampling; thermodynamic cycle...
The Ising Model at 92 - David P. Landau
Wang Landau Monte Carlo Based Tracking Methods for Abrupt Motions